Travel from Patong beach to Tesco Lotus

by Ian
(Perth Australia)

Local Songthaew bus services are one of the cheapest transport options in Phuket

Local Songthaew bus services are one of the cheapest transport options in Phuket

Question: Are tuk tuks the only way to get from Patong Beach to Tesco?

The tuk tuks are ridiculously expensive. They spoil what has in the past and enjoyable trip.


Hi Ian
I agree, the price of Tuk Tuks and taxi's have gone up in Phuket, compared to Bangkok and neighboring areas.

My suggestion would be to catch the local Songthaew or local bus into Phuket Town.

It may take a little longer to get to your destination, but you won't have to go to any jewelry stores or unexpected shopping stops along the way.

To catch the local bus (Songthaew) in Patong head to the beach road, when you see the bus just wave it down.

You will usually find the bus route written in English on the side of the bus.

From memory during our last trip we paid 25 baht per person one way.

If you let the bus driver know where you want to go he might remember to stop for you if not press the buzzer to alert the bus driver that you want to get off.

Enjoy your holiday
Jeff & Paula

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Jan 03, 2012
Try all the ways to travel
by: timinphuket

There are a plethora of different ways to travel around Phuket, but this are also the pink buses in Phuket Town now... (

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