Boots & Saddle Bar, Cheap Rooms by Nang, Nang Massage

by Michael Rodriguez
(Phuket, Thailand)

Nang & Mary Rose

Nang & Mary Rose

I met Nang three years ago, when she was working in Kata as a cashier, bartender, clean up women, and closer for the bar.

I first noticed her when I sat down, ordered a drink and sat furthest from the bar girls.

The bar girls sat next to me in rotation which I had no interest.

And here was this 5 ft 90 kilo lady running around cleaning, picking up trash, bringing in the chairs when it began to rain.

Meanwhile, the 8+ bar girls were looking at here like they were watching a tennis match, their heads going left to right with no one getting off their seats to help her out.

By the looks of Nang's determination, her expression was such that she knew no one would help out.

A year later she met this American who eventually married her.

Now Nang has had nothing but bad luck, she has 3 sons with no father, a mother in the late 70s and a house in Issan that has the well and the toilet 1 meter from each other.

Her house is nailed together by used sheet metal in every direction possible.

But here was Nang; head up, nose to the grind stone and a personality that is absolutely wonderful.

Her faith, her outlook, her belief and upbringing. Whatever it is that makes her the kindest sweetheart I've ever met, I don't know.

What I do know is that I love her.

She was given a rotten deck and she came out smelling like a rose.

Now with her daughter Mary Rose, she is trying to make it on her own. Meaning, working for herself rather than someone else.

Good luck Nang with Nang Bar aka Boots & Saddle Bar Patong, Nang Massage and Cheap Rooms by Nang Patong Phuket.

Boots & Saddle Bar is located at 153/2 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pee Road in Patong.

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Sep 30, 2018
Retire in Thailand, Build a House, Family & Own 6 Businesses
by: Anonymous

Guess who decided to write a new book?
The one and only Nang.
This is a lady who did not even finish 5th grade.
Let us celebrate a women who typifies every women in the world.
Someone who has been beaten down, left for dead with no support from the father of her child
Let us enjoy the strength in WOMEN HOOD.

Jun 02, 2016
Nang Bar and rooms
by: Sean Gill

I have recently come back from Patong, and stayed at Nang Cheap rooms. I originally booked for 4 weeks but ended up staying for six weeks. I have been going to Phuket since 1996.
Firstly Nang is a very lovely person as well as Mike her hubby, and daughter.
In regards to the rooms, I cannot complain, they are cleaned everyday and are top notch for the price.
The bar and staff are great with a mixture of tourists and a few expats.
There is a massage on one side and a hair salon on the other side and its an easy walk to the bars shops and beach.
Highly recommend it.
I will be going back at Xmas.
Sean Gill

Oct 07, 2015
UK Gym Flooring
by: Anonymous

You have done a remarkable work by sharing such nice information about Phuket travel. Nang massage center is quite famous there and their service are also world class.

Sep 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

This post is very informative for all I will share it on my website with my all friends keep it up and share more post like this.

Sep 15, 2015
by: Steven

Really good information about Nang's rooms.
I have to work but as soon as possible I want to visit Nang's thanks.

Aug 20, 2015
by: Advard

I like your page. This site page is really awesome and useful for me. I would like to say that keep up the good work.

Aug 20, 2015
by: John

You have done a great work. I read your blog really fantastic blog. I appreciate your blog. Keep up the good work.

Jun 30, 2015
How Sweet it Is
by: Anonymous

Stayed at Cheap Rooms Guesthouse for my 3 week holiday. I Met Nang,she is absolutely amazing.
Her bar exceeds my expectations.
Nang's massage helped me with my back injury.
All in all, thank you Nang and Phuket Travel Secrets.

Jun 02, 2015
great place to be
by: Graeme Burnett

I meet Nang about 3 years ago and have become very good friends with her and Michael and watched Mary their daughter grow as well.
I love the story of when you meet Nang and I can still see that determination still in her now.
Just like to wish you and her all the best for the future and thank the both of you for being a good friend.

May 30, 2015

by: Paula & Jeff

Thankyou for sharing Nang's story, Michael and we wish her all the best.

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