Billabong Shirts from Phuket Markets

by Jeff
(Gold Coast, Australia)

Billabong Shirts

Billabong Shirts

I picked up what I thought were 2 Billabong shirts, or copies of Billabong shirts at the markets on Karon beach, only to get them home and have a good look at them.

The white shirt is fine with Billabong written on it, but they got me with the black shirt having a mixture of Billabong and Billas bong written on it.

Still I'm happy with the purchase for 350 baht each. Maybe I can use this as an excuse that I need to head back to Phuket to pick up some more with the correct spelling!

Or maybe stay off the Singha beer before I go shopping.


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Oct 30, 2015
Billabong Shirts!
by: Susan Fernando

My brother got it for me a year ago and I use it constantly. I'm not too beyond any doubt where he purchased it, but rather I saw the same shirt in the Billabong store in Whistler Canada.

Apr 11, 2015

I have been to Phuket 9 times and always come back with T shirts. At the price you pay, down to 200baht and less, they are an interesting conversation piece and cheap present.
More Singha, please.

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